Day cares
Early childhood education
The early childhood education is a part of the education system of Jokioinen. Early childhood education locations can be applied any time throughout the year and the application must be sent at least four months before the child needs that early education spot. If the sudden need for early childhood education is because of employment, studies or educational training and the start date cannot be predicted, then you must apply for an early childhood education as soon as possible. At least two weeks before the need.
Applications involving day care centres must be primarily sent to the chief of the day care centre. Applications involving the day care centres early childhood education must be primarily sent to the director of early childhood education.
Day care centres
Jokioinen has two day care centres: Teerimäki in Kenttätie 6 and Mäntypuisto in Keskuskatu 20. The elementary school of Miina has one early education group that is a part of Teerimäki as a support group. The Miinas group also gives complementary early education.
The day care centres are located near each other in the centre of Jokioinen.
Teerimäki has three groups (Talitintit, Punatulkut and Sinitiaiset) for 3-6 year old children. Teerimäki is open at 6:30 – 17:00.
Mäntypuisto has two groups (Neulaset and Käpyset) for 3-6 year old children. Mäntypuisto is a shift day care center, open at 05:00 – 22:15. Shifts are handled within these opening hours according to the parents work shifts.
The complementary early education is arranged also in the two groups in Teerimäki (Talitintit and Punatulkut). Käpyset group in Mäntypuisto and in Miina’s elementary school.
The new RYHMIS day care center was opened in May 2022 and it is in a cosily renovated home at an apartment building in address Kotapolku 3 A 2. Ryhmis is open at 6:30 – 16:30

Kenttätie 6
31600 Jokioinen

Keskuskatu 20
31600 Jokioinen